Українська Мова

Ключ к теософии. Голос безмолвия. Семь врат. часть вторая из двух

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Helena Petrovna von Hahn, more popularly known as Madame Blavatsky or H.P.B., came from a noble family in Ukraine. Published as two volumes during her lifetime - ”The Cosmogonisis” and “Anthropogenesis” - “The Secret Doctrine”. Today, we invite you to listen to “The Seven Portals” from Madame Blavatsky’s book, “The Voice of Silence.” Hold firm! Thou nearest now the middle portal, the gate of Woe, with its ten thousand snares. Have mastery o'er thy thoughts, O striver for perfection, if thou would'st cross its threshold. Have mastery o'er thy Soul, O seeker after truths undying, if thou would'st reach the goal.
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