Bahasa Melayu

Daripada Kitab Suci Agama Buddha: Kitab Metta dan Kitab Dhammacakkappavattana, Bahagian 1 daripada 4

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By the glorious power of this Discourse, deities do not appear in frightful forms to a person who recites and practices this Sutta diligently day and nigh. He sleeps soundly and he does not have bad dreams. He is endowed with these qualities and others as well. May all beings be well and safe, may their hearts rejoice. May all beings be joyful. Let him cultivate boundless thoughts of loving kindness towards all beings. Let him cultivate boundless thoughts of loving kindness towards the whole world!By the power of this Truth, May you (me) be well! By the power of this Truth, May joyous victory be yours (mine)!
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