In today’s news, Muslim World League amplifies aid initiatives in Kenya, scientists warn of future pandemic caused by antimicrobial resistance fueled by raising of animal-people for food, United States researchers invent exterior wall design that minimizes heat from sun and ground to keep building interiors cooler, Portugal announces new fire prevention campaign to avoid large-scale wildfires, vegan champion powerlifter breaks three state records for his weight class during competition in United States, Irish food manufacturer Happy Pear extends its vegan product line to UK retailers, and tiger-siblings rescued from private residence in Slovakia transported 13,000 kilometers to South African sanctuary.
I have a tip on how to extend the storage life of bananas. Don’t be fooled by the idea that bananas shouldn’t go in the fridge. While they might turn brown on the outside under refrigeration, they’re still perfectly good to eat. Keep your bananas out on the counter until they begin to ripen and turn yellow. Once they’ve reached that stage, place them in the fridge in a paper bag to extend their shelf life. Although the skin may brown, the fruit inside remains firm and tasty if consumed within a week of refrigerating. Just be aware that if you refrigerate bananas before they ripen, they might not sweeten properly and stay in a pre-ripened state.
We have exactly what you need: a good mood moment with the following joke. It’s entitled “Second Opinion.”
Leo visits the doctor for a checkup.
“Leo, I am concerned because you are medically overweight.”
“OK. But Dr. Baker, I will need to seek a second opinion about that.”
“A second opinion? Well… you’re funny too!”