
Why People Are Attracted to Practitioners, Part 3 of 3

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We can wear these clothes, that clothes, no problem. But if a man wears different clothes like this, people will look at him. And will want to put some label on his name. It’s fun to be a woman. Otherwise, if I was a male this time, I’d be bored stiff. At least I am a woman. I can play around with make-up, high heels… I wear different clothes that my disciples made for me. They’re so talented, so talented. They can create different beautiful clothes. And since they’re monks, they have nothing to do and are bored. They try to create things and put them all on my body for show.

So, I think to be a woman is OK. Anybody object? Especially women no, huh? Yes, you’ll be proud of me. OK. Such a beautiful Master, huh? (Yes.) Can you imagine a male Master? How? Even if he’s beautiful, he cannot be so beautiful like me. No? No? Tell me the truth. Anyhow, if you think I’m not beautiful enough, I can change. I can improve my appearance. It’s easy. I put some more make-up on, and make the eyebrow go like this instead of like that, and improve my nose if it’s not high enough for you by nature. It’s high enough. I think for my body size, it’s high enough. I don’t think we need plastic surgery, no? (No.) No. Anything else you don’t like, you just tell me. I’ll consider to change it to suit your taste. One day like this, the other day like that. Then we have fun together, and we’re never bored with each other.

Just like you come to our Center every day, you have different clothes also, just to entertain me. So I also sometimes entertain you. It’s not important anyhow. But it helps sometimes to brighten this life, this boring world that we are in. It makes people feel pleasant. It’s pleasant for their eyes and their heart’s feeling good. But anyhow, we can never please everyone enough. Some people like their master to be like a beggar, wearing drag clothes, dirty clothes, beard like this and doesn’t shave, doesn’t wash, and smells like fish(-people). And they think that kind of master is detached, above the worldly concerns and above water. No bath.

And some people like their master to be male with long, flowing beard and white hair and all that, and very old with wrinkled skin, and looking wise. The more wrinkles, the wiser. And the more beard, the more wisdom. The wisdom of the beard. And some people like their master to be beautiful and young-looking and very humorous, and relaxed. And some people like their master to be always with them and do many things like they do, so they feel closer. It’s a multi-talented master who not only teaches the gospel but also can play music and write poems and sing songs and things like that. I mean, whatever you name, they have to do it. So they have a high expectation of the master. All-around developed. In every aspect, the master has to be good.

So, people have different expectations and imaginations about the master. So accordingly, they will find one that suits their taste. And if that happens to be a good Master, then it’s fine. It doesn’t matter how He looks, how She looks, or it’s a She or a He or whether the Master is beautiful or not. Just because we like it that way, so it suits us. And when we see that, we like it. Therefore, most of the masters are fabricated according to the majority of people’s taste, so that the people just like it. They just like it. Why do we talk about this? What was it before? (The inner power...) Inner power… (Inner love.) Oh, inner love. Oh, yes, yes. OK.

But the most important, of course, is the inner power of love, which attracts people. And that’s why the practitioners of the Quan Yin Method, we attract more people than we did before. People just seem to like to hang around us or bother us because they just like to be near us, and they don’t know how to react, so sometimes it appears bothersome. And even the police at the airport, they just hang around and make trouble. They don’t know how to express their love, so they search my luggage, search my body, and ask so many unintelligent questions just to be around a little bit longer.

I have sometimes felt this way, because sometimes after we left, I felt that they were so reluctant to leave us, or they were so sorry somehow. I don’t know if they were sorry because they gave us a hard time for nothing or because we have to go now. Finally, no more excuses, no more stupid questions that he can think of, so he let us go, and he felt so kind of very reluctant, very sorry. I feel that way many times at the airport, but poor me, I have to be patient. And you know my “temper.” It’s not easy to be patient. Lucky that he’s not my disciple. I’d just tell him to get out of the meditation hall and give me back the identity card, and don’t come back again.

OK, it’s just for today. If you wish to watch the videotape of the United Nations today because you were not present, you may do so. Or tomorrow, whatever. You want to watch it tonight or is tomorrow better? (Tonight.) Tonight, it’s very late now. It’s 9:12. Is it OK? (Yes.) (No problem.) It’s up to you, you can watch it yourself. I’ll go to sleep. I’m not watching it with you since I was the one who talked. Or maybe tomorrow. Tomorrow, you’re still here? (Yes.) OK, tomorrow morning. One of you just put it in and watch it. About what time? Tomorrow, we have initiation at 9 (AM). (You said at 10 (AM).) At 10, yes, at 10. But people will be starting to come about 9 (AM). Whoever comes first, we will give them the application form and questions, and later, the other people will come.

When we were meditating, there were one or two guys coming with a car, and probably they dared not come up here, so they parked over there. So normally, one car has two or three people, so they must be banging (the car doors) about three times or four times, or at least two to four times. The door banged like this. So, when the first door banged, I got very frightened. But that’s not the worst part. I keep waiting for the next and it doesn’t come. And it kept me suspended here waiting for the second bang or the third bang of the car door. And it’s terrible. I’m very sensitive when the car door bangs down here. My heart just feels like something is squeezing it inside. It happened like that. But when you drive up here, you don’t hear so much. I guess it’s because of the altitude. It’s higher up here. And also, the trees and the bushes, the leaves absorb a lot of the sounds. And also, there is earth not cement. It doesn’t give back the sound. So, it’s quiet here. Yesterday you parked so many cars, but I didn’t hear anything. Very little and no banging.

So, I think I suggest that when you go to the Center, you don’t need to bang the car doors, especially when the parking is next to the Center, the meditation hall. And you just slightly close it because it’s in our Center and we have guards. So, there’s no need to worry, no need to bang it. And you bang it when you already leave the Center on the road. When you go out to the road, and you stop for a while, bang the car door and go, if you have to bang it. And should you bang one (door) already, then continue to bang until it’s finished. Otherwise, I’ll keep waiting. Because I’m used to it banging now, and sometimes when they park over there and they don’t bang their car doors, I also keep waiting. “Why? What happened?” And “Until when will it bang?” This is troublesome. It’s not that easy.

OK. Now you leave. See you tomorrow. Have a good night. Maybe I have to leave very soon, unexpectedly, for the refugees. I did not want to leave so early, but maybe I have to in a couple of days. So, take care.

Photo Caption: Humble and Un-Noticed, We Grow Quietly in Beauty

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