
Master Dines with Supreme Master TV Team (all vegans) at Loving Hut, Part 1 of 6

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OK. Cheers, guys. (Cheers.) Salud! (Cheers!) (Salud! [Cheers!]) À votre santé! (Cheers!) Just say that in French. À votre santé ! (Cheers!) Voilà. Long live France! (Long live France!) Long live [Supreme Master] TV! (Long live [Supreme Master] TV!) (Viva Master! [Long live Master!]) (Viva Master! [Long live Master!]) […]

(Three more brothers.) OK. Shall we wait for them? I don’t know when they’ll come. OK. Cheers, guys. (Cheers.) Salud! (Cheers!) (Salud! [Cheers!]) À votre santé! (Cheers!) Just say that in French. À votre santé ! (Cheers!) Voilà. Long live France! (Long live France!) Long live [Supreme Master] TV! (Long live [Supreme Master] TV!) (Viva Master! [Long live Master!]) (Viva Master! [Long live Master!])

Looks like a movie there… OK. You can take a rest now until they come. Kind of brush around, connecting, then you’ll get everybody (on video). (Yes.) Maybe we go in the kitchen sometimes. (OK.) Don’t shake (the camera). Have to keep it very still. It’s good, yeah? (Yes, very good.) (Very good.) Make sure the new people have (non-alcoholic) drinks. (OK.) That’s the drink for the other guy, not for you. So then move it around. They cannot make it quick enough. We have customers outside. The way you eat, we have to ask a robot.

(Master, You look so young and beautiful.) Oh, thank you, thank you. Did she tell you to tell me that? Hòa, huh? Did you ask him to tell me that I’m beautiful and young? Because he’s very, very politically well trained. His wife even said that she was “dying” for him because of his mouth. Because of his tongue. He knows how to talk. Did he pass on this mantle of “spiritual know-how” to you?

Do I look really young? You tell the truth. Five Precepts. (You look beautiful.) Thank you. When you love somebody, they’re always beautiful. It’s the problem. (But You really are so beautiful.) You see, they say that 90% of American men do really love their wives and respect her. And even if she grows older, it doesn’t mean that she’s less beautiful to him. As she grows older, doesn’t mean he feels that she’s less beautiful. Because he loves her. America’s big. Very lonely. If you can “grab” a woman, hold on to her. It’s normal.

OK, enjoy. Don’t keep looking at me, I’m shy. Nothing is special. You know why I’m beautiful today, and young? (Why, Master?) I ironed the face but forgot to iron the clothes. You see what I mean? So, the contrast. Makes my face look smooth and beautiful. That’s the thing. They say if you want to impress your boyfriend or something, first time or any time for a date, you always take an older girl with you. Older and ugly. The older, the better, the uglier, the better for you. So he can compare. “OK, after all, she’s better.” I don’t wear ironed clothes, so my face looks better than the clothes. You see what I mean? See that? That’s the trick. (I thought that was the style.) Yeah. Supermarket shirt. Thank you.

Now here, this is vegan shrimp. (Thank You, Master.) Yeah. (Thank You, Master.) (Thank You, Master.) Here, guys. (Thank You, Master.) You have to eat with the sauce. Take the sauce back. First, you dip it in the sauce and eat it. OK? Oh, what is that for? Also, for this? (Spicy.) For this? OK. Good. Thank you. It’s very spicy. OK, guys? “Ahh!” I haven’t eaten it yet. Just scare you. (Thank you.) (Spicy.) I just invite you symbolically. Because we have more people who worked for Supreme Master Television before, not just you guys. You guys are just sitting there and processing the materials mostly. Right? (Yes.) But I cannot invite the whole world here. OK? (Thank You so much.) (Thank You, Master.)

Is it very cold in your room, or something? (Hot and cold.) Have aircon? (Yes.) Yes? (The meditation hall has aircon. And the room sometimes – yes.) What I mean is, if you go from the cold room outside, (Yes.) you get sick easily. Maybe we shouldn’t have aircon in the room. What’s the use? Each one of you has about 50 degrees Celsius. Hot chicks and hot boys. So if you open the aircon, it’s no use. You overpower the air conditioner. No?

First, and then (film) all of them, so they know. One each. You know, about five minutes each. So they know how I suffered all these years. (Oh.) Continue eating… drinking… open mouth wide, eat it. Maybe too many people, so two by two. Whenever they eat or drink, you film them. OK? Just the way you did to me. Why share the joy? Why not share the suffering? You don’t have a flashlight on, huh? No, huh? (No.) It’s bright enough, right? (It’s bright enough.) OK. Otherwise, if you have a flashlight, it’s even more “delicious.” If you don’t know how, I’ll do it. I want “revenge.” One by one, slowly. Wait until they’re eating and then you do it. When they eat or drink or poke their nose or something, or scratch their head, then you do it. It’s fun. Now, you don’t dare to eat. You just sit there.

Yeah. Honestly, when I sit on the chair in front of the camera and light, I don’t even dare to scratch my head when it’s itchy, I just try to bear it and smile. Especially when it’s live, you know? (Yes.) Terrible. And here is not too bad because you can delete something you don’t want. But when it’s live, like we used to do, oh my God! Sometimes I have pain or it’s itchy somewhere, I cannot even move. Because the whole world is watching. Uncle Sam also is watching. Because the cameramen, they’re relentless. They just sit there and hold it. They don’t care if you want to blow your nose or scratch your hair or whatever.

Now you take a break. And then there’s some more food, and then the cameraman will be on you. Make sure (to film) when they stick their tongue out or something… putting the food inside, and the mouth is big, the food goes in, and the tongue sticks out. Oh, that’s a “good” shot. (Zoom in.) (Zoom in.) Zoom, yeah. Zoom maximum. And if there’s some salad on the teeth, zoom [in] on that, too. Luckily, we are recording all this fun because it’s not on (camera). When it’s fun, it’s not on. Oh, never mind. You guys (cameramen) are not professionals. I forgive. OK.

Now you see that you should feel sorry for your politicians or not? Leaders, no? They always have to be on camera, and then sometimes it’s live. When people protest or throw things at your face, it’s still on camera, and the whole world’s watching. Terrible. So, if you think being a leader or president or prime minister is fun, you rethink again. We wouldn’t want to exchange for that.

In some former lives, I used to be a king and queen and all that, and high officials. I picked a good time to be one. Now I don’t want to be. Cameras everywhere! Even in [the] supermarket. In those times, [it was] OK to be a king and queen, whatever. Right now, I don’t want to be here. Because the camera’s (on) all the time. You have to wave in a certain way. Yeah, I feel sorry for any leaders. Luckily, I’m not one. So I can come here and sit and eat and poke the salad out of my teeth.

Sorry. (It’s OK.) Work is work, no? (Yes.) You’re (cameraman) not in [Supreme Master] TV team. Today is only for [Supreme Master] TV. Special! (Thank You, Master.) Special “suffering” when you’re eating. You don’t relent on anyone. When I look at the picture, [if] anybody’s missing, I will be tracking you down while you’re having breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper, and in the bathroom. OK. Now you eat with manners. Because you know the camera is always on. With a pinky out. I don’t know who he’s recording. The green guy? (Yes, the green guy.) How come the camera aims at me? You sure? Don’t tell them, don’t tell anybody. Don’t tell, you just do here and there just at random, so that they feel, they have to feel the atmosphere. The tense… The intensity. The fear of the camera. Telling you.

Photo Caption: An Uncommon but Love Filled Welcome Bouquet

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