
Historias budistas: La vida pasada de Buda como un rey llamado Luz de Luna parte 6 de 6 8 de septiembre, 2015

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You Should see further into the future, and your vision should be grander. You should not just concentrate on such a small, tiny little object called body. If I sacrifice just a little thing from this lowly and filthy composite of the thing called body in order to have such a great benefit, for myself and for everyone, this is such a great thing. I do not want to use this merit to be any of the gods in Heaven, any, however high god in Heaven to enjoy just in the Three Worlds: Astral, Causal and the Brahma world. I just want to become Buddha, so that in the future, when I attain the Buddhahood, I can deliver other beings from suffering. That’s all I want.