
Prepared for Hard Days, Be Vegan, Keep Peace, Pray and Meditate, Part 6 of 12, Oct. 29, 2024

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I never say I need money. What for do I need money? I’m capable of earning my own money. And what we can spare, we give it to poor people, to needy people everywhere in the world, or to worthy people to help them to run their charity, shelter, or buy food for hungry people, hungry animal-people. I don’t keep anything for my own personal use. What for do I need anything? What for do I need anything? You don’t need a lot of things to live on, just some pairs of clothes and simple food.

There’s one of your brothers, I read in a Heartline that he’s a master of martial arts. He could even bend an iron rod, thick one, big one, with his own power from the dantian, from the stomach only. And he eats only white rice and some wild dandelion, some wild or simple, really green vegetables, and some roasted peanuts. That’s it. And he still continues. For two years long at least, when he was away from Âu Lạc (Vietnam), he ate just that. And he still continues to teach his disciples and show his power by bending the iron rod like that through the stomach muscle only. But it’s not just the muscle. They have this kind of secret chi. Our body has secret energy, life force. We can garner and use it as strength.

“Excerpt from a heartline from Khánh Vinh in Âu Lạc (Vietnam): Dear boundless, generous Master and the Supreme Master Television team, In May 2014, I was living in a cold country. I had an opportunity to read Your teachings on the Facebook page of a friend in Âu Lạc (Vietnam), and miraculously, I became a vegan immediately. Even during that time, my food was simply a bowl of white rice, dandelion, mugwort greens, and some roasted peanuts to be tastier. Those simple foods still gave me good health to be the leader of the Lâm Sơn Động martial art. I guided the young students to practice Lâm Sơn Động martial art (a traditional Aulacese [Vietnamese] martial art). I did a performance of Thích Đoản Ty (using my belly to bend a steel rod) – a martial arts performance program organized by the Vietnamese Embassy. All the money I received from the program was sent to support the victims of floods and disadvantaged children in Âu Lạc (Vietnam)! Disciple Khánh Vinh from Âu Lạc (Vietnam)”

So you see, if we all believe that in order to live well, we have to eat a lot, a lot of things, that is not a right concept. It could be right to some people; maybe it’s their karma or something. But you don’t really live by food. Lord Jesus said that man doesn’t live by bread alone. We need physical strength, but we do rely on spiritual strength from God, from Heaven, and from our own cultivation to strengthen our spiritual force within us. God dwells within you. Buddha Nature is within you! All religions tell you that, but we forgot that principle, the one and only Power that we should rely on. That’s why we’re miserable.

We live in poverty, in deprivation, and lacking many things – above all spiritual strength. That could change your life. It could make your life happier and provide clarity of mind, efficiency in work, results in everything you do. Because you have spiritual power within you. You awaken that God Power within you through the Quan Yin meditation power, which is imparted to you by God Power alone, by God Hirmself, through the Master, Who is powerful and can house this God Power and distribute it to you, each one some, until you develop your own God Power within. Not develop, but I mean reclaim it bit by bit every day in meditation.

Now, throughout our human history, we heard that there’s mostly only one Buddha in one era, one period of our time, and one Lord Jesus Christ, or one Guru Nanak, one Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him, one Bahá’u’lláh, one Lord Mahavira, for example. And one this Master, one that Master. Why only one? Why? Because They are the Son of God, the One and Only at that time. Because only the Son of God, a True Master, True Buddha, True Christ, can house this God-Original Almighty Power within Their Being in order to distribute it to the faithful who believe in Them by God’s Grace, who believe in God through Them.

Because They are also like God. Well, almost. When They are in the physical body, of course, it’s not like when He is God in Heaven. That’s why Jesus said, “I am here. Why are you still asking about God?” Because He knows He is God incarnate. He houses 90-plus percent of God’s Power in this world. No one else can do that. No one can house all that Power except the Son of God. And so, the Son of God is the only One. Thus, God sends Him or Her now and then, until that period’s over, until all the merits of the people are exhausted on Earth.

That’s why even though I have pain, and I try to rescue all the people, rescue all the souls, but if some cannot make it, then I know this is not their merit. Not all of them have enough merit, enough faith, enough morals to be able to meet the Son of God in that particular period of time. The Son of God can also come down to Earth, and in a hidden identity also, like even under the King’s canopy, under the Queen’s appearance. But they are not 100%. They’re not 100% like the real manifestation of the Son of God, like (Lord) Jesus, for example. Like Buddha, like Lord Mahavira, etc…

Even the Son of God could be having like many extra manifested bodies in order to do different jobs, work, on the particular planet. Like, the Son of God could be the queen of some country, a king of another country, or a president of that country, or prime minister of the other country. But they are the manifested extra bodies in order to do different works. Because if the Son of God is alone, only one, without dispatch powers into other different bodies, then little work can be done. Thus, like in the Lotus Sutra, the Buddha said that Quan Yin Bodhisattva could manifest into different types of positions in order to help people, even to be in the government office, even in the household, or even as a virgin girl or virgin boy. It depends on who needs what help from Quan Yin Bodhisattva.

Now, in order to meet even the extra manifested bodies of the Son of God, you must have a lot, a lot of merit, accumulated over many lifetimes or many eons of lifetimes. Because it’s very difficult. Just talking about this planet, it’s difficult for people to concentrate on God. Even in spirit, even though God dwells within us, we hardly can contact God, because we’re too busy. We’re outward all the time. That’s why the Buddha said, “You have to go inward, listen to your own soul.” The Quan Yin Method, the method without method, that is the one with which you can turn inward and listen to your own soul, if you have the real Power, transmitted to you by a real Master. The real Master also can have extra Masters, similar to extra bodies. And you call them God-men or Masters: “Maharaji,” “Guruji.”

Many people claim themselves as Satguru, but they are not. “Sat” means true, “guru” means Master. True Masters are rare. Even an extra manifested true Master from the real Master, meaning a real Son of God, is also rare already. It’s not to talk about that you can see it everywhere on the Internet, talking about anything, worshipping snakes and rats and statues or whatever. They’re not real. They just know how to talk. They just read books. They don’t have power to give you.

They might have a lot of followers because they do for fame some charitable work or they know how to commercialize their talks and their doings, and they wear dignified clothes and stuff like that. You never know. Behind them, behind that dignified dress or demeanor, they might rape children, as the case of Trần Tâm and many other priests in the Catholic system. You know already nowadays. We read it all over on the planet. Everywhere, you can read all these horrible, hellish stories from priests and monks, even. And nuns also.

I have noticed that, for example, Trần Tâm, he copied my Method, for his empty-shell method – no blessing, no power, nothing, just evil, an evil force within him. That’s why he makes people wither and die, the people that he likes and keeps around him. The young people that he wants to molest or did molest, they become withered and die, as said in some of the letters they sent to you. They didn’t send them to me directly. They could not. I don’t let it. But it got sent to you and then you processed it, and put it on a heartline, for example. It’s also the first time I read it, just like all of you.

They don’t tell me directly. Letters don’t go through me directly, because I have too much work to do. If I receive all the letters directly, it’s not possible. I can answer one by one. But I cannot receive all the letters and process it all. How? And especially I have to keep running from danger, from risk, from bad people, from these evil gangs.

This world has evil gangs. Not just physical, but spiritual also. They are not spiritual. It’s just that in the spiritual domain, they can take the karma of the disciples – which I have to take within myself – they use that to abuse me, to make a lot of trouble for me, threaten me, my life even, many different kinds of things.

But I noticed that they stole my Method, but talk very well about it, using glorious words which I did not know before, changed a little bit. Changed a little bit just to make it look like something else. But they stole every word from me and make themselves look so glorious. Even just to answer a couple of people from somewhere and say, “Oh Glorious Guru, brighten the whole Europe.” Stuff like that! Just answer some stupid question, normal question that even my five-year-old disciple can say. But they make it like oh so glorious, so big, so great, and call themself even great master! Đại minh sư! This and that. Oh, shameless. But, of course, they don’t have shame. They can talk about anything, lying or illogical, that you can see it immediately. You don’t even need me to explain to you.

But some people, so ignorant, can’t even see it! That’s how he attracts those people and then use them to harm my disciples even. Some innocent ones and vulnerable ones. Because they are trusting. Because they know that my disciples are honest, trustworthy. They didn’t know some are not disciples, just pretend to be disciples. Come in, steal the Method, steal my talk, steal my teachings, make it their own to cheat people for their own financial profit and fame.

Photo Caption: Thanks Garden Fairies for the Beauty with Special Subtle Radiance

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Between Master and Disciples
Between Master and Disciples
Between Master and Disciples
Between Master and Disciples
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Between Master and Disciples