
Selections From “Pistis Sophia” – Divine Light, Part 2 of 2

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Today, we continue with excerpts from “Pistis Sophia.” Here, we learn of Lord Jesus Christ’s mission for salvation and the Light-kingdom inheritance.

“‘It came to pass, therefore, when I had seen it, coming forth from the aeons and hastening down to Me – I was above the chaos – that another Light-power went forth out of Me, that it too might help Pistis Sophia. And the Light-power which had come from the height through the First Mystery, came down upon the Light-power which had gone out of Me; and they met together and became a great stream of Light.’

When then Jesus had said this unto His disciples, He said: ‘Understand ye in what manner I discourse with you?’

Mary started forward again and said: ‘My Lord, I understand what Thou say. Concerning the solution of this word Thy Light-power has prophesied aforetime through David in the eighty-fourth Psalm, saying: “Grace and truth met together, and righteousness and peace kissed each other. Truth sprouted forth out of the earth, and righteousness looked down from Heaven.”’”

“‘Grace’ then is the Light-power which has come down through the First Mystery; for the First Mystery has hearkened unto Pistis Sophia and has had mercy on her in all her tribulations. “Truth” on the other hand is the power which has gone forth out of Thee, for that Thou have fulfilled the truth, in order to save her out of the chaos. And ‘righteousness’ again is the power which has come forth through the First Mystery, which will guide Pistis Sophia. And ‘peace’ again is the power which has gone forth out of Thee, so that it should enter into the emanations of Self-willed and take from them the Lights which they have taken away from Pistis Sophia, that is, so that Thou may gather them together into Pistis Sophia and make them at peace with her power. ‘Truth’ on the other hand is the power which went forth out of Thee, when Thou were in the lower regions of the chaos. For this cause Thy power has said through David.

‘Truth sprouted out of the earth,’ because Thou were in the lower regions of the chaos. ‘Righteousness’ on the other hand which has ‘looked down from Heaven,’ – it is the power which has come down from the height through the First Mystery and has entered into Pistis Sophia.”

“It came to pass then, when Jesus had heard these words, that He said: ‘Well said, Mary, blessed one, who shall inherit the whole Light-kingdom.’ […]”
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