
The Sins That Cannot Be Absorbed by Love Power and Forgiveness, Part 3 of 3, Dec. 11, 2023

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Please use Your Power to wake them up so that they will not be lost forever. Because this time, they won’t be forgiven that easily, because life after life’s bad karma, bad sins have piled up in the record of their existence. And we are not blaming You, my Lord; we’re just praying. So You please understand, this world is not easy for anyone. It is more easy to be tempted and do bad than to be uplifted and remember Your Name. This is just the system of this world that drags people down, and they could hardly stand up if they are down. […]

It’s very difficult for them (humans) to wake up and remember You. I have been trying hard all these decades to try to remind them, do whatever I can. But I just feel so frustrated. So many times, I feel helpless. I feel this world is getting more and more like hell. Some parts are hell already. I don’t know how You bless me so much that I do not collapse with all this suffering that I witness, that I am not broken down with all the pain I feel from humans, animal-people, trees, and so on, just as if their pains are mine! I thank You for that – for keeping me strong, at least partially, mentally, and physically.

But many people cannot cope, my Lord. They kill themselves or they sink into depression, and they have to use alcohol and drugs, in order to forget. But the more they use them, the more they become weakened, unable to stand tall and protect themselves from all kinds of attacks. Because wherever they look, mostly it’s just suffering, pain, and sorrow. And now we have a lot of trouble: disasters, and climate heat-up, [solar] flares, [solar] storms – not just wind storms or rain storms, but even [solar] storms. So many things are threatening our survival on this planet already. You know very well. The Black Angel is not very merciful to all beings on this planet, because all of humanity, more or less, did something wrong. Only some of them U-turn, repent and try to mend their bad deeds, with the Grace that You bestow on them.

Please use Your Power to wake them up so that they will not be lost forever. Because this time, they won’t be forgiven that easily, because life after life’s bad karma, bad sins have piled up in the record of their existence. And we are not blaming You, my Lord; we’re just praying. So You please understand, this world is not easy for anyone. It is more easy to be tempted and do bad than to be uplifted and remember Your Name. This is just the system of this world that drags people down, and they could hardly stand up if they are down. And even if they’re standing up, they are just almost like zombies.

They don’t have a lot of time to think too much. They’re just so busy working and when they come home, they have to take care of shopping, washing, children, the elderly, and sick people. And they’re eating the wrong things, like the animal-people stuff. Thus, they get sick all the time. They have to go to the doctor, go to the hospital, and endure a lot of suffering as well. Everything they have, they must work with sweat, tears and even blood [for]. This life is punishing them so much, that even if they’re sick, they can’t stop to take a rest. They work so hard, but sometimes things happen that they lose everything and become homeless. Even if they have a home, they don’t have money to pay for the minimum comfort to keep them warm, to keep themselves and their children comfortable and fed, or even attending school. This life is not Heavens, my Lord. The souls who came here are being oppressed, being poisoned, being deluded to not be able to think anymore. They even lose faith in Heavens, and then do not fear hell, because they don’t know any of these things.

And no one in Heaven would understand the pain and sorrow that humanity has to go through, not to talk about the animal-people who have been chained, confined in such very little crates that they could not even turn around all day, all night, all their lives, until they become murdered in some dark corner of the world in so much pain and sorrow. This world is not an easy place for any soul to survive, my Lord. Please, please have second thoughts and let them have a chance to wake up. Please use all Your Power, Your Means to wake them up. Use me in any way You can. Kill me if that helps them to wake up. One person dies, many people live – it doesn’t matter, my Lord. You can destroy me, scatter my soul everywhere as if I’m one of those sinners that are going to experience this kind of terrifying lot – lost forever, if that helps all beings to be spared of suffering and to be liberated, to go Home! If they suffer, how will I enjoy!?

This world is not paradise, my Lord. Please remember that. The souls did not know what they were going to face until they came here. And once they came down here, it’s difficult for them to return because of so many traps, so many tricks, so many temptations, so many demands that they didn’t know exist in Heavens. They didn’t know how; they still don’t know how to react to them. Even if for some split second they remember You, many other things will overwhelm that thought and drown it away, drag them into confusions and drowsiness into knowinglessness again.

I have no more words to pray to You. And I pray to You, worship You every day. You know that. But my heart cannot be healed, even though I know Your Blessing, I feel Your Love, and I’m so grateful for It. But my heart cannot feel happy because the whole world is not happy, and most of them will be punished severely in hell or scattered all over the whole universe and will never find themselves again in one piece. Never be able to talk like I’m talking to You. Never be able to even pray to You. Never be able to taste any good food, breathe any good air, go swimming, or enjoy some simple physical pleasure on this planet or anywhere else in the universe again for endless time. Lost forever, wailingly scattered everywhere. And then even gathering them becomes useless. Like stones, like pebbles – anything but a decent living being like the humans here and the animal-people or trees even.

Dear God Almighty who knows everything, I don’t know why I’m talking so much. It’s just to talk to You, hoping that You will listen and help humanity, please. Please don’t turn Your Head away from them. This time, it feels like a forever time, but it will end. I don’t know how to prove it to humanity, so that they will listen to You, that they will worship You, they will repent to You, and become good kids again like when they were born from Your Grace in Heaven.

I talk to You because I have no one to talk to. It’s been four years since my isolation. I’m alone in the studio-like lifestyle here. You know, one room, one kitchen, one washroom. That’s all I need, actually. It’s much better than many people who don’t have a home, who live on the street, in some terrible, hot desert or frozen land as refugees with some plastic on top of their heads and eating whatever they can beg, whatever is handed out to them. They have nowhere to go; no home; not much hope for tomorrow.

I’m always grateful for whatever You give me, my Lord, always grateful. I don’t need much, really. But to think that this beautiful planet is going to be dirt, going to be dust, going to be no more, it really pains my heart. Just to see that vision, that this beautiful planet is no more, gone forever in such a way. No one can bear it, no one can bear it! Because the whole of humanity, or most of humanity, will have too much suffering, after they leave this planet, because there’s no more planet. Just to think of that, it pains me so much.

Even if I can see Heaven, I can feel Your Love and Blessing, but countless beings do not. Oh, my God. Is there anything more I can do? Please change this system. Please forgive. Please wake humans up. Please. Please don’t let them be gone just like that. They are Your children, my Lord. They just don’t know how to be good. This life makes them too busy and drags them into deep ignorance.

I know You’ve sent Your Sons and Daughters to this world countless times, but how many people listen to Them? How many persons can They reach? And how many even believe Them, even if they reach Them? Because they’ve been so blindfolded, forever here, even though they still look alive, but they’re half dead. I don’t know whom to tell, so I talk to You. I’m sorry to burden You, my Lord. But I can’t… I cannot not tell You.

What else can I do? I tried so many ways. And You have helped me to try many ways as well, but it doesn’t seem to help too much, not as much as You would like, not as much as I would hope. I don’t know anymore what else to say to You. May You be blessed. May You be happy, my Lord, with whatever way You can be.

May You be reconsidering Your Plan for all beings on this planet. Bless You, my Lord – Almighty God, the Most High, the Greatest, Most Merciful, Most Beloved, the Most Benevolent, Most Forgiving, Almighty Lord. We thank You anyway for whatever You give us, and we understand that whatever happens, You’ll handle us. It’s just… it’s just not easy to accept. We love You. We love You, forever love You. Thank You. Thank You. I love You, love You. Amen.

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