
We Always Have to Appreciate What We Have, Part 12 of 12, Jun. 30, 2013, Menton, France

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You know, the blessed water in Taiwan (Formosa), (Yes.) it’s really water from the ground. When I first went there, I bought the land, there was no water, no electricity, no trees, nothing. We planted a lot of trees, so we needed a lot of water. We dug wells, many wells. And we made a big container, a reservoir. […] Originally, I made the stream for the children, because they love to come. […] And after the cutting ribbon (ceremony) was finished, all the adults jumped in and took the water and drank. “Oh, Master blessing! Drink it all, drink!” Oh, so big stomach! […]

So, normally at home, what do you eat? What does he eat at home? (Well, what I make.) (What I make for myself.) (It is modest but nice.) What does he make? (He said, “It is very simple, but it is nice.”) OK. (I brought back blessed water from Taiwan [Formosa].) (From Taiwan [Formosa], I took blessed water.) Blessed water. He went to Taiwan (Formosa)? (Yes. He had initiation there.) Wow! (First of May.) Wow! (He was very blessed.) (And I multiply it.) (And he is doubling it, put more normal water in it.) Understand, yeah, yeah. He mixes, so he has a lot. (Mix, yes.)

(And when I make dough…) (And when he makes a dough…) (…I use it.) (…so he uses it.) (And it's amazing.) (And this water is very great.) (You can pass love through water. And Your blessing.) (You can spread love through this water, it gives blessing to this dough and to the food.) (And the whole family goes crazy for my [vegan] patties.) (And all [his] family is crazy for his… some…) Food? (Yes, food.) Oh! (Yes.) Prepared food. Oh, wow. Tomorrow, you go to the kitchen! I also want to go crazy!

You know, the blessed water in Taiwan (Formosa), (Yes.) it’s really water from the ground. When I first went there, I bought the land, there was no water, no electricity, no trees, nothing. We planted a lot of trees, so we needed a lot of water. We dug wells, many wells. And we made a big container, a reservoir. Anybody needs translation – sit together. And then some people took it, took the water. Originally, I made it for the children to play. (Yes.) I made a fountain, the water runs back and forth, and so it has oxygen, because before, there were less trees than now.

Nobody fed the bird(-people), before? We don’t have bread? Have bread? (Yes, in the box.) (In the box.) Yeah, yeah, give them, or some crackers. Give them crackers, here, here. (This one? Crackers.) A little bit, break it. Slowly, otherwise, they get scared. Put on the ground, they’ll eat. Can put on the table but slowly; they’ll get scared. Break it small. Quick! Quick! Some bread also, break small and leave it there for them. Oh, they’re not afraid anymore now. They’re used to it. They were about like 30, 40 of them, eating every day. They’re beautiful, so sweet.

OK. And then, where were we? Ah! Originally, I made the stream for the children, because they love to come. And over there, it’s hot, you know, in summer. I think the children like to splash around in the water to cool themselves. Because the adults go meditate, but the children, they don’t have much to do. They just play with the little things and then get hot. I made it for the children. And after the cutting ribbon (ceremony) was finished, all the adults jumped in and took the water and drank. “Oh, Master blessing! Drink it all, drink!” Oh, so big stomach! And whatever bottle they have – they’d take the whole (filled) bottle, bring home. (Yes. Oh, my God.) And then some people got cured of sickness or something, and they spread the word. “Oh, the miracle water!”

OK, miracle for them but not for me, because our well is not a miracle well, it produces just limited water. And they came with three, five bottles of five or ten gallons (19 or 38 liters) each. You know, one big bottle with five gallons or ten gallons (19 or 38 liters). They’d take a lot of them. “Water, bring home!” Everybody goes… My God! And the water… So, from then on, I have to stop the children, I cannot… They don’t let the children play anymore because they take the water home to drink, and give it to neighbors and have blessed food, or anything. I’m not sure if they’re not selling it. I’m not sure.

So, because the word spread, (Yes.) everybody went there, took water home. (Yes.) Later, I had to tell them to take less. Just take a bottle and then you go home, you mix it with your water, then it’d be a lot. That’s a good boy. Good boy. One more chair for this young man. Oh, you sit together. You sit together. There’s one more chair, don’t worry. Coming. A lot of chairs there. And then later, because a lot more people came, so we had to have more wells, more reservoirs. The big, big, big reservoirs. Here, young boy. For you. (He’s younger.) Here, youngster. Sit down. OK. That’s it. You can have a rest. Oh, my God. Eat so much. OK, cheers. Do you have a drink? (Yes, we have.) Where? (It should be here.) Drink’s here. Water. Water. (Water.) Just water, right. (Just water.) Just water. (Yes.) Good. Go drink. (I have a big job.) Yeah? Good boy. Good boy.

Oh, look at them. See? They also eat. (Yes. Oh!) Normally they eat behind the house. There’s a place where one of the residents feeds them every day. But they could eat all day, really. I wonder how they digest so quick. Because before, I used to feed them in some place, and they could eat all day. I fed them, they’d eat, and then they’d go away, and later they’d come back, eat again, and then come back, eat again and again. So small, but have a big stomach or something. Like you! Eat, you must… Must eat more, OK? You eat as much as you feel good. Here, the food is good.

Normally, we feed them behind. OK? Don’t keep feeding them around here because they will fly in your food. (Yes.) Not because we don’t love them, but I need to take care of you, not just them. OK, enough. (Yes, Master.) Because normally we feed them behind there, so, it’s far away from the food. It’s just they see us eating, so they come. (Yes.) And then, they’re welcome, of course. If they are polite, they stay there, it’s OK. If they fly all over here, then it’s bad for you. (Yes.)

When I was one time in Monaco… We did not have this hotel yet. We did not have this place. I was looking for places. And it took many months, of course. It’s not like immediately. I didn’t have a house yet. Here around, or anywhere. So I stayed in a hotel. And when I came out to have breakfast, there were many seagull(-people) because it’s next to the sea. They were flying and then they were just staying in line waiting on top of the balcony. And they were very polite. They didn’t fly into people’s food while they were eating, but they waited. And when people didn’t finish their food and the waiter put it aside, waiting to be taken away for cleaning, then they came and took. Wow, so smart. So polite. And the same with some pigeon(-people) there, too. They all know things.

OK, guys. Oh, my God. This water doesn’t help. It makes [the chilies] spread more. OK, never mind. And the soup would have been better, but it was too hot. And now it’s too cold. Come on, go eat, man. Don’t keep staring at me. Finish the food, there’s a lot of food. More food? (Oh, my God!) You’re a big man. Eat. (Oh, my God.) You eat. OK? You don’t just eat rice and that. You try other things. Soup is nice. Wow, so much rice. I love rice. Don’t you love rice? (Yes.) Sometimes I’m not hungry, but if I eat rice with this, I could eat more. Just rice and this. Eat, huh, boy. Be a good boy.

What’s this here? (Bread.) For what? (For 24 hours – eating.) (Whenever you’re hungry.) In case the newcomers have nothing to eat? (Right.) OK. That’s very good. That’s what I told them before, but I forgot that I had told them like that. Because we always need to have food for people, no? (Right. Yes.) I see you later.

Hey, sister! You’re so beautiful, you know that? Yeah. So lovely, lovely you are. So pretty, pretty. So wonderful. Enjoy our love here. You don’t have it downstairs? You go up on the table. You jump on the table. Yeah, that also. May I pass? I’m not harming you. I just want to pass. So lovely you are. I could take you home. They’re eating so dry stuff, could you please give them water here? There. Since they’re eating here, give them a little water. Because they will have to fly too far, and they might choke.

So beautiful, my God. You are beautiful. Water, water. You can have a container, something there and… Oh, not that. Yeah, that is too shallow, isn’t it? You can have my bowl there. The bowl there for me. Can use it for the bird(-people)’s water. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Is that cold or hot? (Cold.) You’re going to have water. So beautiful, aren’t they? Oh! Quietly. You scared them. There you are. There you are, you wonderful beings, you. Water. I can stay and look at you all day because you’re so beautiful. They’re very peaceful. If at night, you remove them, they just let you. They don’t do anything. Water, that’s water. You know, right? OK, I’m going. (Thank You. Thank You. Bye-bye.) See you later. (See You. Thank You.)

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