That's another thing: people see the aura. Some see it one meter long. Some see a four-meter, radius from here to there. Four meters, six meters, ten meters, it depends on how big his eye is. And some see only one meter, half a meter, and some one color, some two colors, some the whole range of colors. So, it's difficult, difficult. That I cannot hide. That I cannot hide because some people do have these eyes. They can see it. They are not like Quan Yin practitioners or anything – shame on you; some of you don't see anything – but these people, sometimes their heart is so good.
They work with their hands; they earn their honest money, take care of their family, are loving and kind, and just so simple. So, they have this gift. It's like a meditation. Their work is like meditation, a simple form of meditation for them. They concentrate on that, and they just do that every day, so it's like a routine, it's like a meditation. And they do everything their best to take care of their family, and sometimes help their neighbors, or help with disasters, or the Red Cross or whatever, with their pure heart hard-earned money. So, they’re so pure that they have this gift.
…Sometimes we have to never cross the line, the thin line, between morality and convenience, or survival. Very difficult. We try. That's why a lot of people, they eat meat and take wine because it just feels good, tastes good, and wine or alcohol makes them feel good. But it doesn't help them in the long run. It ruins them.
So, I told you yesterday already, not only they kill chickens and turkeys, and pork and beef, whatever, to feed their own so-called happy day as Christmas, and wish each other Happy Christmas, Merry Christmas, whatever... I don't know how people understand this. They turn something holy, sacred, and a truly happy event, into such a mass massacre, and feel happy about it. See, so ignorant is the world. So, if you guys, in any way, try to pass the vegan message or spiritual way of life, that's very good for this planet. Together we can make a little difference, or a big difference…