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When Honesty Is Lost: Signs of the Last Hour from the Hadith, Part 2 of 16, Nov. 14, 2021

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Because if you don’t have the inner experience, the inner happiness and inner bliss of enlightenment, then you cannot have faith that strongly. (Yes. True, Master.) That’s why sometimes many people who come in to listen to the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, or any Master in the past, they just come in but they don’t take away anything.

So each book has mostly very small phrases. (Yes, Master.) Just some sentences and some, maybe, maximum is about 20 sentences, something like that. (Yes.) Some are bigger, but rarely, mostly because sometimes the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, maybe didn’t talk a lot. But whatever He said, it’s concentrated and true. Just like even the Christians, they say the opposite, “Whatever you don’t want, don’t do it to others.” (Yes. That’s right.) And, “Love others like you love yourself.” It’s similar. Similar. The Buddha also said that. In Jainism or Hinduism, they say similar things. (Oh, yes, Master.)

“Love others, just like you love yourself.” Then, you will have faith. What does it mean “have faith”? Meaning he will be more enlightened. He will be enlightened. He will understand and have more faith in the teaching of the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, or the Master. Because if you don’t have the inner experience, the inner happiness and inner bliss of enlightenment, then you cannot have faith that strongly. (Yes. True, Master.) That’s why sometimes many people who come in to listen to the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, or any Master in the past, they just come in but they don’t take away anything. Because either their level is still too low, their belief is too thin, or they were not interested really in the Master’s teaching, just come in because somebody tells them to come in, or just follow somebody else, or just come in for curiosity. (Right. Understand.)

When you wish for others what you wish for yourself, that means you have enough love to consider others’ feelings as much as your feelings. Or you feel the pain of others, you feel the happiness of others, you feel the nobility, even, of others, not necessarily just the needy part. Or the troubled part. But when you wish for someone else as if you wish it for yourself, then you have really already become quite selfless. (Yes, Master.) If whatever you don’t like and you give it to others, then it’s not much value. Is it? (No, Master.)

Therefore, the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, said to His disciples that, “None of you will have faith till he wishes for his brother,” at that time, it’s a Muslim brother, “what he likes for himself.”

That is the thing that many people don’t practice, maybe don’t deeply understand, because each one just is too much for him or herself, and forget that other people are suffering around him. Just like, for example, in the church, the children have been molested and nobody cares. You see that? (Yes, Master.) So many thousands of them, and that is unrecorded. Others are not recorded, you don’t even know how many more. (Yes, Master.) And children are killed, molested, and then murdered to cover up, and buried in some unknown graveyard or under the school basement and all that. (That’s right. Yes, Master.)

“Interview by CBC News - Jun 3, 2015 Indigenous residential school abuse survivor(m): I remember when we had to shower. You don’t have to show me how to shower and wash myself, how to wash my private parts of [my] body. You only have to show a kid once or twice at the most, but not every day, and have a supervisor come in there and basically take advantage of you.”

“Interview by CBC News - Jun 5, 2021 Kamloops Indian residential school abuse survivor(f): Many times we got knocked to the floor by the nuns and they would call us a whore. We don’t even know what a whore is. I was raped there at the Indian school. For me, it followed me through my life: the anger, the fear, the shame.”

“Interview by CBC News - Jun 3, 2015 Indigenous residential school abuse survivor’s mother: My first two boys went, and then a couple years after, the next two boys went. And so on, as they got older. I told them to be strong. I had always told them to be strong, to be able to take it like the other children. (So you sent 11 kids to residential school? How many of them do you think were strong through that?) None of them. None of them.”

Oh, my God, this is truly evil. Truly evil beyond all evils. Beyond war, even. Beyond the evil of war. When people go to war, at least they have some reason to kill. (Yes.) OK. They defend for their country or for their government, their people, something like that. (Yes, Master.) But these are just murders and molesting children with no excuse whatsoever. (Yes, shocking.) (Yes. It’s terrible, Master.) So how can anybody even believe in such a system of the church or anything at all? Nowadays, many people went out of the church. I don’t blame them. It’s truly evil.

These people, they’re not real. They must be Satan’s subordinates who reincarnated, just to exercise the satanic doctrine. (Yes, exactly.) The evil kind of system. They are not priests, they are not even human. They really want to destroy the church and the doctrine of Jesus, to make people not believe in the church and the teaching of Lord Jesus anymore. (Yes, Master.) Who wouldn’t be shaken, knowing all this and reading all these reports? (That’s true.)

“Media Report from BBC – Oct. 5, 2021 Reporter(f): More than 200,000 children have been victims of pedophile priests and other clergy over the last 70 years in France.”

“Media Report from DW – Sept. 25, 2018 Reporter(f): The latest study says more than 1,600 German clergy sexually abused children under their protection, and that in the last 70 years, there have been at least 3,677 victims.”

Media Report from CBS – Aug. 9, 2018 Reporter(f): Grand jury report details allegations against more than 300 predator priests in six dioceses covering more than 1.7 million parishioners.”

“Interview by Fusion – Feb. 18, 2016: There was one time that there were like four priests at the same time. (Four priests at the same time?) Yes, and they would come in one by one. And it didn’t stop until I became pregnant by one of them.”

“Interview by CBS – Oct. 18, 2018 Abuse victim(m): [emotional] My wife just constantly reassuring me, I haven’t done anything wrong.”

Now, there is another story… That was just one, Book Two. Book Two, Number 12. There’s one paragraph only. And so, there’s not much more I want to say.

Oh, actually, I wanted to tell you that, concerning all these children molesting and murdering… (Yes, Master.) My God. Poor children. How can anybody be so evil? So evil, beyond evil. Oh, God.

I read another story somewhere in the Jewish folklore, (Yes, Master.) that the devils, they are also worshiping God. (Oh?) But they’re still doing all the devil things. But they say they are also with the church, and they worship God and all that. And one person was trapped, kind of by chance having met these people. And he saw that they were worshipping God and reading the Torah and all that. (Yes, Master.) So he was thinking, “Oh, this is a good place.” And then he came in and they said, “Oh, you don’t know what we’re going to do with you yet.” You see? (Whoa.) In the Jewish folklore, there’re several stories like that, that the devils also worship God. But they kill anyone who happens to be lost and have this misfortune to meet them. They say after worshiping, they were going to deal with him. They wanted to harm him or kill him, whatever.

Maybe I will stumble upon that story again and then we will elaborate more about that. (Yes, Master.) But when I read that, I thought, “How can that be?” If they’re devils, then they cannot be worshiping God. (Yes, Master.) (Right, Master.) But if you see nowadays with all this news about all the priests that are doing unimaginable, cruel, inhumane and evil things to the children, then you know it should be true also anywhere else, any other time. Then maybe those stories are not just in the stories, they’re in reality as well. (Yes, Master.)

Oh, when I talk about this, I’m so angry. Oh, I’m so angry. I’m so angry. They waste so much of people’s hard-earned money, just to sit there, eat all the dead corpses from the animal-people and drinking alcohol and wine and whatever, and then do all these kinds of evil things. (Yes.) And I don’t understand how can this kind of system still exist? And nobody does anything! (Yes, Master.)

If it is like, for example, the Americans, sometimes they go to another country to have war because the government there may be molesting people or oppressing people. (Yes.) And then the people ask the Americans to come to help. (Yes, Master.) And here, right in front of everybody, even in America as well, molesting children, murdering children, in Canada and all over the world. And nobody does anything! And even England, for example, refused to deal with all this kind of children murdering and molesting, when people wanted to talk about it. They don’t even want to acknowledge it. They don’t want to deal with it. How can this be? So, this world is truly… it’s not a humane place. (No, Master.) My God.

I asked Heavens how much percentage of humans is worthy of Heaven places after they die. They told me only 10%. (Oh! Wow.) (That’s so low.) Yeah, so low. I just asked yesterday, not just now. When I’m in meditation, there are many things I find out. (Yes, Master.) When I’m busy, of course, I cannot. When I’m busy, I’m dealing with different things, but in the meditation it’s deeper. (Yes.)

Imagine. And so, the rest, whom are we living with now? (Yes, Master.) That’s why everywhere is killing, cheating, molesting, all on the top. (Oh, yes.) Starting all from the top. You see? (Yes, Master.) From the pope down to the other priests and even cardinals and all that. (Yes.) And then from the top government, from the president downward, all cheating, just to sit there. All cheating just to get power, in different ways. Cheating this way or that way. (Yes.) Or cheating in the election and all that. (Yes, Master.) So, it is not really a good world at all. (No, Master.) It’s truly terrifying when you know all about it. (Yes, Master.)

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