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On Wednesday, February 19, 2025, our Most Loving Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan) graciously set aside time from Her intensive meditation retreat for our planet’s advancement to speak about God and how to connect with Hirm, including the Quan Yin Method, the most precious gift from Heaven. Master explained how fake masters, monks, and priests lead people to hell and dangerously attract negative energy that creates world chaos. Everyone talks about God, but we should know that there are many levels of God-realization. […] The best is that you really believe in God, really concentrate on God. […] There’s nothing more precious than the Quan Yin practice. With that, you can exchange it for Heaven. But with all the position, the fame, and fortune in your physical life, you cannot exchange them for anything like that. To learn God’s surprising answer to Master’s question to Hirm about how to help those who follow evil priests and monks, the types of advice that Heaven provides to Master, and some of the ways the lights of different spiritual levels differ, please tune in on Saturday, March 1, on Between Master and Disciples, for the full broadcast of this message.